Parameters of a good rug:
Carpet Density: Each carpet carpet has two types of perforations (longitudinal and transverse).
Rectangular Density: The number of roots (knot color) in one meter is the width of the carpet, which is characterized by a shoulder. Example: 350 shoulder carpets per square meter carpet weighing 350 roots (knot color) woven. The common shoulders of the market are 500 - 700 - 1000 - 1200 and 1500 shoulders.
Length of the carpet: The number of roots (knot color) in a linear length of the carpet. Example: A carpet with a density of 1000, that is, one meter long carpet, is woven with 500 roots (knot color), the longitudinal densities of the market are: 3,250-3,500 rjad. (Longitudinal density is different in different methods of carpet weaving).
Root number (knot color) per square meter of carpet: If the number of knots in color is equal to 500 knots and over 1000 knots per color. So the number of roots (knot color) in a square meter 500000 = 1000 500
Raw materials used in carpet:
Three types of yarn should be used for the texture of each carpet: lace yarn, floss and yarn.
Painted or colored yarn: The knitting needles are used for knitting and knitting and knitting, and there are several types:
Acrylic 10.5% Diluent Percent Acrylic
A mixture of acrylic and polypropylene yarns mixed with acrylic and polypropylene fibers.
100% Polypropylene (p.p or B.if. (B.C.F))
Carpet Yarn: This yarn is mixed with cotton polyester, the quality of the fiber and its type is an important factor in the durability and beauty of the carpet. These types of yarns are mostly used in acrylic carpets, and the polypropylene and BISF carpets are of the same type as cotton yarn (ibis fiber) because of cheap.
Machine carpets that are exported from the factory should have a label containing the following information:
Dimensions: Machine carpets of any shape and size that are sold must have a unit that is specified in the metric system with a tolerance of 1.5 cm.
Determine Available Fiber: Fibers should be listed in percentages. If the fibers used are synthetic fibers, their name and their brand names should be mentioned. If more than one type of lacquer is available in the thread, you must indicate the name and percentage of each. It should be noted that the specified numbers as percentages should have a tolerance of 0.3% relative to the total weight of the fibers, and in the calculations of plain yarn or base, the amount of gross material should not exceed 3%.
After getting information about the technical points of car carpet, it's time to take other tips on the design and the type of carpet. In the following, we provide step-by-step tips to help you choose and buy a good carpet.
step one:
The first step in choosing the best carpet is to consider the style of the room and its use. For example, a carpet that is crowded in a catering room or in a dining room must be fitted for a long time and resistant to dust, but for a space like The bedroom, which is a place for rest and is still not crowded, can use a subtle sexy bed and use a bright color spectrum. With this type of carpet, room space is still smoother and smoother.
Step Two:
In the second step to pick and buy a carpet, it's best to pay close attention to your lifestyle. If you have a baby or have pets, it is better to use designs and roles that are crowded and dark and do not show dirt. It should be noted that this style of life is very different from those who live alone, but if you are a low-income family and do not have the habit of traveling and busy, it's better to have a carpet that has low-colored paintings It's clear, use.
Step Three:
Note that dark monochrome carpets, such as oil, black, or brownish chocolate, simply reveal bright spots or soot, and show the carpets that are very bright in color, such as white or creamy dust and legs. they give. If you want a carpet for the outside of the house, it's best to consider the outside of the house and the amount of dirt so the front carpet does not appear in the dirty. Check out the interior of the house to see what kind of dirt it's most about and then choose the color of the carpet.
Step Four:
If you have a small space inside the house and want to appear larger, it's best to use car carpets that have bright colors. Typically, this kind of carpet will make space bigger. If your home space is so large and lightly furnished, it's better to use rugs that have dark colors, these kind of carpets create a cozy, warm and intimate atmosphere. Usually sellers say this to shoppers to make your home look bigger than flip-flops, and because the carpets are not medium-sized, it's more visually giving your room space a bigger look.
Step Five:
Those car carpets that have multiple colors or designs in you, show small particles, dust and dirt less than other carpets. If you have a house exposed to dust and soot, it is better to choose one of these types of carpets.
Step Six:
Acrylic carpets often have blobberries in the first few weeks of the purchase but continue after this nash